Ruby Refresh II

Posted by Kate Jewett Williams on August 13, 2021

This week I have been working more on polishing up my Ruby CLI project. Last week I managed to scrape the date of the games from where i was getting the individual game infomation. This didn’t seem like the right place to do it though because I ended up with an array full of the same dates. To fix this problem I picked a new place to scrape the date information from.


class RugbyGames::Scraper
  BASE_URL = ""
  def self.scrape_espn
    @doc = Nokogiri::HTML(""))

    @doc.css("div.carousel-day").each do |date|
      games_date =
      games_date.text = date.css("").text
    @doc.css("a.competitors").each do |contest|

      game =
			Rugby Games 7/8/2021
1. 12:00 PM EDT -- South Africa vs British and Irish Lions
2. 03:05 AM EDT -- New Zealand vs Australia
Enter the list number to get more information about a match or type list to list games or type exit to end

Scores for Aug 14th, 2021
1. 05:05 PM EDT -- South Africa vs Argentina
2. 07:05 PM EDT -- New Zealand vs Australia
Enter the list number to get more information about a match or type list to list games or type exit to end

Scraping the date information from a new place gave em cleaner information than before as well.

I also added back in the game url to the addtional information you can get when you select a ruby game. Then I decided to scrape each teams win, tie, loss record as well and add it the the list view. I’ll probably go back in this week and do some regex work to either get rid of the begiining text “Form:” or replce it with “Record:” I think though that next week will be mostly spent reviewing my sinatra project and then deciding if it’s ready for deployment.


@doc.css(“a.competitors”).each do contest
  game =
  game.url = BASE_URL + contest.attr("href")
  game.time = contest.css("").text
  game.home_team = contest.css(" span.short-name").text
  game.home_score = contest.css(" div.score.icon-font-after").text
  game.home_record = contest.css(" span.record").text
  game.away_team = contest.css(" span.short-name").text
  game.away_score = contest.css(" div.score.icon-font-before").text
  game.away_record = contest.css(" span.record").text
	def list_games
date = RugbyGames::Dates.game_day.last
puts "#{date.text}" do |game, i|
  puts "#{i}. #{game.time} -- #{game.home_team} #{game.home_record} vs #{game.away_team} #{game.away_record}"
end   end

if input.to_i > 0 && input.to_i <=
    selected_game =[input.to_i - 1] 
    puts "#{selected_game.home_team}  #{selected_game.home_score}  #{selected_game.time}  #{selected_game.away_score}  #{selected_game.away_team}"
    puts "#{selected_game.url}"

Scores for Aug 14th, 2021

  1. 05:05 PM EDT – South Africa Form: WWLW vs Argentina Form: WTTTL
  2. 07:05 PM EDT – New Zealand Form: WWWWW vs Australia Form: LWLWT Enter the list number to get more information about a match or type list to list games or type exit to end

1 South Africa 05:05 PM EDT Argentina Enter the list number to get more information about a match or type list to list games or type exit to end```